Diverse locaties Rotterdam

Rotterdam Street Culture Week 2023

to Sunday 25 August
RSCW Recap 22 3 van 7


to Sunday 25 August

Diverse locaties Rotterdam

Diverse locaties 1
3013 AL Rotterdam

Cultureel festival Rotterdam Street Culture Week 2023

Rotterdam Street Culture Week, also known as RSCW 2023, is the festival that programs, promotes and develops street culture in the broadest sense of the word.

During RSCW, tens of thousands of visitors become acquainted with the various forms of Street culture and lifestyle: from street art to hip hop, from poetry to spoken word to national and international championships in BMX, free running, street football or breakdance. As a visitor to RSCW you experience what contemporary street culture entails. Or better yet: you become part of it yourself. Because Street culture is low-threshold and accessible and you can discover your own talent with many programs

The 2023 edition of RSCW is entirely devoted to Zomer op Zuid, the event with which Rotterdam puts the spotlight on the splendor and potential of Rotterdam Zuid for a summer: the story of the many talents that live there, residents' initiatives, experience stages, urban production houses , breeding grounds and grassroots culture makers and organizers. Together they add color to the city, create opportunities where they are sometimes hard to find, and make an innovative contribution to the city's cultural and social development.

RSCW 2023 will take place at various locations around the Piekstraat and Mallegatpark in Rotterdam South.

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